Sunday, November 23, 2008

Camping Out

Tanner has starting "camping" out in his bedroom at night and for nap time. He has a little tent, his blankets, pillows, and of course, his "pets". Pets are his stuffed animals. He is developing such an imagination. When he yelled down the stairs he was starting a fire I was a little nervous. Of course, I checked, and was surprised to see his "fire" that he made. It consisted of piles clothes, blankets, and sadly, a few stuffed animals. So there he laid, in his tent in front of his "fire" with his animal sound flashlight (thank you Mamommie).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He takes after his father in the imagination department, and in the making of a "mess" department. His unwillingness to "clean-up" comes honest. But isn't he fun? You never know what's coming next.